Size grade 7+ out of the glaze tank 2011 fish season 221 DSC_0013 IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) production of 5/7s from Southeast Alaska '08 season IQF (Indivdually Quick Frozen) production of 5/7s from Southeast Alaska '08 season Collars from sablefish that are usually 4lbs and over Product is frozen as a by-product mainly for the Japanese market Shortraker Rockfish The Japanese call them "Kinki" Thornyhead Rockfish, also known as Idiot fish. Skate wings (Big/Longnose) caught as by-catch in the Central Gulf Skate wings (Big/Longnose) caught as by-catch in the Central Gulf OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA P. Cod Roe, one of the many ancillary products of P.Cod that has marketability This year's Pacific Cod catch from the Central Gulf and PWS This year's Pacific Cod catch from the Central Gulf and PWS Block frozen at sea product 5/7 size Block frozen at sea product 5/7 size Block frozen at sea product 5/7 size Misc Rockfish frozen whole round Misc Rockfish frozen whole round
Sablefish 5/7 frozen in "glacier pack" style for ease of separation