


Enabled with advanced quick freezing technology, J&R’s exclusive fishing vessel, the Kruzof, maintains unmatched standards in the fishing industry through preserving the highest quality seafood the industry can offer. Among this wild seafood catch are sablefish, rockfish, and halibut.

Particulars on Fishing Gear and Catch:

  • Length of Skate (a shot of line with hooks attached that is a portion of the set) : 900 feet
  • Hooks per Skate: 240
  • Each set consists of 15-23 skates and takes about 3 hours to haul. The Kruzof usually does 2-3 sets a day.
  • Depth of fishing for Sablefish occurs in 300-340 fathoms (6’=1fathom) of water.
  • Depth of fishing for Halibut may range from 50-250 fathoms.
  • Primary Fishing area and focus: Gulf of Alaska from the Bering Sea to Southeast Alaska, and inside waters of Southeast, Alaska namely, Chatham Strait and Clarence Strait
  • Primary Catch focus: Sablefish (Blackcod) is processes on board. Halibut is sold mostly fresh. By-catch is Rockfish and LingCod.
  • Other Products Harvested: Pacific Cod
  • Type of permits and Fishing Rights held: Individual Fishing Quotas for Halibut and Sablefish. Two Chatham Strait Permits (Sablefish), One Clarence Strait Permit (Sablefish). Other Quota and Permit holders also hire the Kruzof to harvest their fish.

Approximate Annual Production in Net Weights:


250,000 lbs


220,000 lbs

Note: Quantity adjusts depending on Total Allowable Catch (TAC) pounds established by managing entities- National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, International Pacific Halibut Commission and volume harvested for other quota and permit holders.

Freezing Process, System and capacity: Sablefish and its by-products is what is mostly frozen on the Kruzof. Product is caught, Headed & Gutted, size graded then rinsed. After a set or two is hauled within 4-6 hours, fish is panned up and put in the contact plate freezer. Product freezes to a -20 deg core temperature within 4-6 hours. The vessel has 2 freezers which hold 2500 pounds each. Comfortable freezing capacity is about 5 tons per day.

Photoshoot of Sablefish harvest and production by Sierra Anderson

Harvest Season

The Kruzof usually lands the first halibut of the season when it opens in March. It continues to fish Halibut into April, then starts harvesting Sablefish then more halibut.. Depending on weather, fishing conditions and how much the whales will let us keep on our hooks (Fishing boats often become a dinner bell for the whales), the Kruzof will make up to 10 trips a year in and out of the ports of Seward, Sand Point, West Yakutat, Sitka, and/ or Petersburg. The Kruzof usually likes to be done with its primary fishing season by September, however some years have had us harvesting to the last closing day in November. Not something we usually target for. Before or after our primary season the Kruzof may focus on harvesting some quantities of Pacific Cod.

Visit the Captains Log for info and pictures of Kruzof latest ventures.