National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
NOAA Fisheries Service is dedicated to protecting and preserving the nation’s living marine resources through scientific research, fisheries management, enforcement and habitat conservation. NOAA Fisheries is a leading voice for commercial and recreational fisheries and continues to focus its efforts on sustaining marine resources.
Links of Interest
Marine Conservation Alliance is an Alaska non-profit organization formed by conservation minded Alaska and North Pacific coastal residents, communities,fixed and mobile gear fishermen, vessel owners and crew, processors, fishing organizations, support industries, western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) organizations, consumers, and others who are directly and indirectly involved in the North Pacific (Alaska) groundfish fisheries.
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) is one of eight regional councils established by the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act in 1976 (which has been renamed the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act) to oversee management of the nation’s fisheries.
Kodiak Fisheries Research Center
The Kodiak Fisheries Research Center (KFRC) was designed to provide a multi-agency marine research facility that would foster marine fishery research as well as serve as a resource for providing educational opportunities to the Kodiak community.
Raincoast Research began studying orcas in British Columbia in 1981. Today the organization records whale and dolphin activity. They also research and publish information on the impact of Atlantic Farmed Salmon in British Columbia.
International Pacific Halibut Commission provides research and stock management of Pacific halibut within Canada and the U.S.
The United States Department of Agriculture has more information about the health benefits of adding fish to your diet.
The USDA is responsible for country of origin labeling for seafood. There is recommendations to include distinction of product as “wild” or “farmed”. See for details.
It is important that the public report any mislabeling of seafood products discovered in your travels and/or observations when buying seafood from stores or restaurants. Alaska needs to distinguish its Wild caught products from that of the adulterated farmed products coming from other countries and states. Please Report violations to or if mislabeling violations for salmon occur within the state of Alaska call, Department of Environmental Conservation, main line at (907) 269-7501.
Buyer Beware when it comes to eating imported fish from developing countries. Check out this news report. China is also know to import tilapia under the name of Sole or Cod. Your best bet is to by my wild fish from Alaska or other sustainable wild resources from the U.S.A.